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Re: I'm Sold on MMCs and RSGs! - Pics

In a message dated 11/28/00 10:41:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

> > Robin,
>  >
>  > A 1200 rpm motor uses 6 flats to make it synchronous.
>  >
>  > John Freau
>  Yes, 1200 rpm using 6 flats = 120 bps, but the breaks are not divided 
> on
>  each half cycle.
>  Assume one half cycle. This indicates 3 breaks during that half cycle. Now 
> try
>  to divide 3 breaks evenly along that half cycle (can't be done). The best 
> you
>  could do is to manage 2 out of 3 as 1 will be near zero crossing. I would 
> also
>  expect that a break through zero (not firing) could occur often and cause a
>  charging imbance from break to break.
>  A 1200 rpm, 6 flat RSG is only synchronous in that it can lock to the mains
>  cycles, but it should not to perform well as indicated above. I beleive 
> old
>  RSG program ROTJIT showed this as well.
>  Bart


A 1200 rpm 6 flat rsg works the same as any other 120 bps sync
gap.  The firings are still one per half cycle, and can be synced
perfectly and evenly, etc.  THe only main difference is the longer
mechanical dwell if all else is the same.

John Freau