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Hi Vadim
If you can find a transformer ( neon sign tx or some microwave oven tx ) and
around 1000 feet of small magnet wire around 24 or 26 AWG ( electric motor
shop ) you can build a coil the rest of the material is more easy to find
for capacitor but you can use salt water caps.
Luc Benard
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Vadim Karelin" <karelin@atanor.ru>
> Hey all!
> I live and work in Moscow, Russia. About one year ago I've read the first
> article about Tesla, his life, his experiments. Now I know a little bit more
> about Tesla, than year ago. And I want very much to make the Tesla coil
> Would you be so kind to help me and to tell how to start?
> Yous sincerely,
> Vadim Karelin