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Re: New Orleans coil anyone???
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Oxandale, Terry" <Toxandale@SPP.ORG>
> I was contacted by a gentleman requesting the use of my coil for a film
> being produced in NEW. He appeared to be very sincere and was willing to
> rent it for a week of filming. I replied that I would be willing to help
> in some way provided there was no alternative in his local area of New
> Orleans that he could contact, and to work with. So if any of you folks
> with a medium performance coil live in the NEW area, please contact him
> at:
> Eric Pierson
> 504-276-2888
> ep4prez@aol.com
> I believe he is looking for a fairly well made coil aesthetically, and
> one that is not over about 5' high and with an output of from 4' to 6'
> on the discharges. I am only gathering this from a conversation I had
> with him and not by any specific requirement that he told me of. If
> anybody can help him, please contact him ASAP. He would like to finish
> this up by the end of this year if possible. Thanks
> Un-Terry
Hi UnTerry ...
I talked to Eric today and let him know about my coil ( the 12"x55" pig
system ) he seems interested and will keep me in mind...
Livin in NAWLINZ :)
Scot D