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Hi Barry,

	Many thanks for this site alert!  I just got done downloading all my
files.  It will take months to read them all but the data is super
interesting.  The Tesla coil paper was really neat too!  I highly encourage
anyone interested in scientific papers to take advantage of this
opportunity while the barn doors or open!



At 03:22 AM 11/25/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>    I have recently discovered that the Journal of Physics D is online 
>available for free download until December 22 at this site:
>Go to the pink box on the far right and click on "Free access is just a 
>click away".  There is a short form to fill out.  Registration gives 
>temporary access to all journals.  I found out that they have a 1000 file 
>per hour download limit with a one hour reset, though:))
>    In one of the year 2000 issues of the European Journal of physics 
>(Volume 21 page 125) is the article by Skeldon showing his ingeneous 
>telescopable Tesla coil secondary and associated system.  Everyone on this 
>list should read this article.  This guy should be on our list!
>    The Journal of Physics D and Plasma Physics Journals have zillions of 
>articles on streamer formation theory, spark gap design, corona, RF 
>discharges, Tesla coil accelerator designs, and other Tesla coil related 
>articles.  I also discovered a new type of "diffuse"? spark gap.  One 
>electrode has a copper screen inset (or holes) with a glass plate over that. 
> A trigger applied to the back of the glass plate causes the switch to 
>breakdown forming N cathode spots.  The author ran the switch with a 
>capacitor somewhere in the range of .01uF at several hundred Hertz for over 
>four hours CW with almost no switch wear or degredation!!!!!  I will have to 
>reread that article again when I can find it (Journal of Physics D most 
>recent year maybe).  Back to megadownloadz:)