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Re: tesla troubles

you should have enough salt in the solution that some is undissolved  on
the bottom...
It will vary with temperature.. warm water dissolves more.. 
you don't want ahuge amount of undissolved salt, but you do want a
saturated solution.
> From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: tesla troubles
> Date: Saturday, November 25, 2000 11:35 AM
> Original poster: "Michael Deegan" <mdeegan@mediaone.net> 
> Hey all again,
> I have my primary tapped at turn 14 out of 15... even adjusting it up to
> 1/2 a turn either way will not give me a much larger spark length
> (somewhere around 1/16").
> Some have suggested my saltwater caps are to blame... Does the salinity
> of the cap matter? Cuz i dont think i put enough in mixing it, and the
> surface is covered with oil. Any information on the possibility of a
> EMMC? I went back to my small toroid again, no  different results.
> Sorry, but no ones help is to any avail so far...