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Re: You might be making a bomb by mistake instead of a resin encased cap.,
I would suggest using a different potting compound - do not use clear
acrylic - not only is it fragile and expensive, but it fractures - the
potted HV componenets I've seen are potted in a urethane or slicone plastic
(something that is a bit flexible) - you can buy pourable urethane potting
compound, and it is a whole lot cheaper than clear acrylic
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 5:37 PM
Subject: You might be making a bomb by mistake instead of a resin encased
> Original poster: "Garry Freemyer" <Garry@NDFC.com>
> >3. I am starting to play around with casting stuff in clear acrylic. I
> looks
> >great, but it's a little too pricey for me to do anything large scale. It
> >also makes replacement very difficult if several components are cast in
> >same block (e.g., an entire MMC board). (They do make interesting paper
> >weights though.)
> snip!
> Nice story about the different caps you have made.
> I am concerned about the build up of flammable gasses in any air pockets
> the capacitor. I am not sure if these resins release flammable gasses but
> such gasses do exist and they get mixed into an air pocket and are ignited
> by a spark in the block, it might go up like a bomb! I'd hate to see you
> hurt.
> The question is does anyone out there know if resins release flammable
> gasses while curing?