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Re: Warning Desasterous MMC failures, Rotton caps from Mouser.

Hey Garry, Don't give up yet.  I too had this problem with my early MMCs
and became disgruntled.  But I see many list members that have good
results with MMCs.    Don't get discouraged, just try to find a better
quality cap that will work for you in the long run.  Persist in your
trials under fire and soon, it will all fall into place.  If cash is not
available, then why not build up a big set of bottle caps.  They are easy
on the budget and perform well.  Tesla used them and got some magnificent
sparks from bottle caps.  I used them successfully while I was fudging
with underrated ceramics, MMC's, plate glass, and rolled caps and they
got me through a time when I had no money to spend on this hobby.  I
still roll out a bank of bottle caps at times to supplement my ceramic
array when I experiment.  Just chalk it up to experience and move
forward!   AL.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 23:02:47 -0700 "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
> Original poster: "Garry F." <garryfre@pacbell.net> 
> I purchased some 2kv polypropelene .033 uF caps for an MMC of three 
> strings of
> 15 caps for a total cost for the caps of $85 and they stink to high 
> heaven!!
> The caps were substituted by rolled tube type caps of equivalent 
> properties but
> these caps differ greatly from the usual caps in that the shell is a 
> white
> gladwrap thin plastic that allows arching between the caps unless 
> the caps are
> separated by some sort of insulation.
> When I plugged in the MMC, a cap blows every three seconds a cap 
> would blow,
> Now I no longer have enough caps to repair the MMC and I would have 
> to order a
> minimum of 50 more caps from Mouser.
> I want to warn people not to use tube type caps unless you isolate 
> each and
> every cap from the accompanying bleeder resisters and caps next to 
> them.
> I am unwilling to waste any more money on trying to make this tesla 
> coil work
> for a reasonably good run. I have a cap Terry Fritz sent and it 
> works fine
> except it does get hot fast.
> This final last frustrating and discouraging loss and disgusting 
> failure of a
> cap marks the end of my hobby as a tesla coiler.
> I request removal from the tesla list effective December 1st.
> Thanks for all the good advice, but I have had quite enough torture 
> trying to
> get something that lasts and I have to call and end to this spending 
> money like
> I was bill gates only to get such rotton results.
> Thanks especially to Terry Fritz. Happy coiling and may you walk in 
> the light.