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Re: "B&W" Spark-Pic's + Rotary
Hi Marco,
Thank you for the "flowers"! The data, you asked, of "Black &
White", whose RF-part might also be called "Sister of THOR" ;o)
- Total height (upper limit of toroid) is 3.16m,
and height of toroid-"equator" 2.96m.
The sparks hitting ground, were by no means within the longest:
in contrary, we had a feeling, if the ground would be "less
attractive", longer sparks could be attained. Regrettably, the
situation with the really longest reproducible sparks of 4.15m,
was not recorded on the pic's, but some with about 4m, on the
ones with vertical strikes.
- At time of the first part of the photos, we fed the coil with 2
phases of Martin Damev's 3-phase strayfield transformer (former
use in a laser PSU). With this kind of self-current-limiting
transformer (- like a big NST -), it seemed way easier to get the
bigger sparks, than with my PT-farm + variac ballast. Following
the readings of my meters (crosscoil-wattmeter, soft-iron meters
for current and voltage), the power consumption was always about
the same 5.5..6kW/9kVA, which also gave the max. sparks of 4.15m.
The obviously bad power-factor of about 0.6..0.7 climbs to more
than 0.9, when using the PT-farm, which is the case for the
photos with the vertical sparks, but not by reduction of the
apparent kVA power, but by more real kW power: ~10kW/11kVA. We
might "think", were the power goes.., or if the
wattmeter-readings miss, to account correctly for some higher
harmonics of the 50Hz.
Greets, Kurt Schraner
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Marco Denicolai" <Marco.Denicolai@tellabs.fi>
> Hi Kurt.
> Nice pictures you have got there: congratulations! Can you please tell us:
> - the total height of your coil (toroid to ground)
> - how much power you were using at Technorama (when you hit the floor
with the
> streamers) ?
> Best Regards
> "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com> on 19.11.2000 19:38:51
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> cc: (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
> Subject: "B&W" Spark-Pic's + Rotary
> Original poster: "Kurt Schraner" <k.schraner@datacomm.ch>
> Hi all,
> pictures of my new SRSG, and some sparks of big coil "Black &
> White" can now be seen in the web. I've finally updated my
> Homepage:
> http://home.datacomm.ch/k.schraner/index.htm
> The quickest way to see the new stuff, is probably by clicking
> the "NEW!" blinker on my entry page, and then following the few
> links. Hope you enjoy!
> Cheers, Kurt Schraner