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Re: MY Tesla Coil:Star Wars:
Have you seen my deathray idea?
It's pretty much just a mutation of a N2 laser/Tesla coil
----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 8:33 PM
Subject: RE: MY Tesla Coil:Star Wars:
> Original poster: "Dale Hall" <Dale.Hall@trw.com>
> Hi Al & All,
> (Al, re: Sci Fair Proj reply, Thank You, I've been on the list ~3 years, )
> Fantasy / Extrapolation / Interpretation ?
> I remember seeing this article/diagram in a trade journal
> ~ a couple years ago, EETimes or ?
> As I recall the LASER
> was used to pre-ionize a path to a charged cloud
> stimulating a return discharge to the grounded tower,
> pictured in this diagram.
> (see referenced URL below for diagram, text of article is cut off)
> I don't recall any significant mention of TC usage,
> there is none in the diagram, just a grounded lightning tower
> looking somewhat like a TC.
> Regards, Dale
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 8:22 AM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: MY Tesla Coil:Star Wars:
> Original poster: "Albert Hassick" <uncadoc@juno.com>
> Ok, list members, A long time ago in a galaxy far away! Here is what My
> Tesla Coil is being used for. It is one of our government projects (do
> we still have a government?), and it is a monster of a coil. Seething
> with power and channelled to a big laser and focused with a giant
> telescope lens. Yes, it is Tesla's Needle in the Sky! Used for
> destroying incoming warheads or whatever! One thing for sure, and that
> is that whatever this high powered needle hits is a goner for sure! Tesla
> was wwwwaaaayyyyyy ahead of his time. I think the feds are using Tesla's
> lost Colorado Springs notebook to help them envision how to build and use
> this weapon of defense (offense). Is this neat or what! Just think of
> the possibilities the next time you throw that big knife switch to
> energize your coil! AL.
> http://hot-streamer.com/TeslaCoils/Temp/teslapic1.jpg