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RE: MY Tesla Coil:Star Wars:

Hi Al & All,
(Al, re: Sci Fair Proj reply, Thank You, I've been on the list ~3 years, )

Fantasy  / Extrapolation / Interpretation ?

I remember seeing this article/diagram in a trade journal 
~ a couple years ago, EETimes or ?
As I recall the LASER 
was used to pre-ionize a path to a charged cloud 
stimulating a return discharge to the grounded tower,
pictured in this diagram. 
(see referenced URL below for diagram, text of article is cut off)

I don't recall any significant mention of TC usage,
there is none in the diagram, just a grounded lightning tower
looking somewhat like a TC.

Regards, Dale

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 8:22 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: MY Tesla Coil:Star Wars:

Original poster: "Albert Hassick" <uncadoc@juno.com> 

 Ok, list members, A long time ago in a galaxy far away! Here is what My
Tesla Coil is being used for.  It is one of our government projects (do
we still have a government?), and it is a monster of a coil. Seething
with power and channelled to a big laser and focused with a giant
telescope lens.  Yes, it is Tesla's Needle in the Sky!  Used for
destroying incoming warheads or whatever!  One thing for sure, and that
is that whatever this high powered needle hits is a goner for sure! Tesla
was wwwwaaaayyyyyy ahead of his time.  I think the feds are using Tesla's
lost Colorado Springs notebook to help them envision how to build and use
this weapon of defense (offense).  Is this neat or what!   Just think of
the possibilities the next time you throw that big knife switch to
energize your coil!    AL. 
