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RE: Secondary Profile Measurement Paper

All -

One of the TC parameters that has never been determined (to my knowledge) is
the high voltage loss due to corona in the secondary coil. Terry's research
results shown in the website below may have made this now possible.

In the "Terminal Coil Voltage Profile" Terry has found the voltage
distribution along the secondary coil using a low voltage sine wave
generator. The voltage to his TC is 1.0 volt peak creating a sum of voltages
in the secondary coil equal to about 155 volts. This is a secondary voltage
gain of about 154. The estimated true voltage gain for his coil is   464/21
= 22  This is from the JHCTES Ver 2.3 program which is based on data from
real world coils.

The loss due to corona would be

  Corona loss = (154-22)/154 = 85.7%

Other losses such as resistance, frequency, air conditions, etc. are
negligible compared to the corona losses which from above appears to be very
large. Do not confuse this percentage with the TC overall efficiency
percentage which refers only to "energy out divided by energy in".

Are there any coilers that want to do these tests to verify the above?

John Couture


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 11:21 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Secondary Profile Measurement Paper

Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>

Hi All,

	While working on whys to get data for Paul Nicholson's TSSP project, I
happened on a method of measureing the secondary profile of a secondary
coil.  The paper "A Method of Directly Measuring the Secondary Inductor
Voltage Profile of Tesla Coils" is in HTML and Word97 format at:


