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Re: Superior Power Supply

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 07:42:17 -0700, you wrote:

>Original poster: "Dan Kunkel" <dankunkel@hotmail.com> 
>Tesla Fans,
>I have been considering the advantages of using a high voltage DC power 
>supply to power a coil.
>The reason I think it would work better is the fact that you could use a DC 
>motor to control the gap break rate and not have to worry about it being in 
>sync with the 60 hertz sine wave. Tesla and other modern day coilers have 
>noted the benefits of having a large bang size and low break rate.
>So where do you draw the line? Maybe your coil would perform best at 81.7 
>bps instead of the syncrounous 120 bps. As long as your primary capacitor is 
>large enough, you can keep driving your bps down.
..but at some point the streamer ionisation channels will start to
disappear between breaks. Obviously there will be some optimum rate
which balances these requirements.