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Re: How many strings should you have in parallel?

Hi Mattias,

The following program and document are meant to answer this question:





At 10:52 PM 11/13/2000 +0100, you wrote: 
> Here is another one on MMC construction. I'm building a tankcap for a
> 10kV@45mA NST and will then need a 14.32nF capacitor. I was then thinking
> about using 33 caps (0,47uF@1500VAC each) put in series for a 20kV 14.2nF
> tankcap. The frequency of the primary circuit will be about 200kHz. 
> Then the question is raised: Do I need to put several lower valued strings in
> parallel to achive better current durability or could I just change the
> frequency of the primary to a more suitable value. 
> (or maybe I don't have to change anything at all :) )
> Mattias