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Re: B00ya! NSTs?
In a message dated 11/12/00 8:17:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> Original poster: "Albert Hassick" <uncadoc@juno.com>
> Hi All. I can only say that I meant that once you are hooked on coiling,
> you are really hooked, nothing can save you when you get the first small
> sparks to creep up off your coil! Hey, why are you list members so testy
> when it comes to capacitance?
Are you painting all list members with the same brush? The difference
in spark output between a good cap (poly, MMC, transmitting mica, etc),
and a poor cap (salt water, Mylar, cheap ceramic, etc), is about 15%.
Some coilers have seen more of a difference. For someone who can't
afford a better cap, an inferior cap is fine, just realize that your sparks
will be shorter.
> Is the MMC the only way to get a better
> coil?
There are various ways to get longer sparks from a coil. Common
ways are; use more input power, use a low break-rate with a
larger capacitor (up to a point), use thinner wire for more inductance
and primary surge Z, use a properly sized toroid, and of course use
a better spark gap as you say (of course if the spark gap is already
good, you'll have to do something else).
> You want big sparks? Get a bigger tranny, get better caps and most
> of all, build a good spark gap, the spark gap is the true common
> denominator of any Tesla system, why all this talk of MMC caps? or any
> caps for that matter,
I think the reason there's a lot of talk about caps, is because many
folks have trouble finding them, and need help on building and sizing
them, etc.
> I have fried MMC's, doorknobs, blown up salt water
> caps and cracked the plate glass in flat caps and blown out my oil
> immersed poly caps. Now are the caps the that only thing that will give a
> big spark? I think not!
I don't think anyone said that caps are the only thing that will give a
big spark.
> There are many caps available to be built or
> bought and they all cost money. Even good MMC's cost some bucks and will
> need a bleeder resistor bank and a suitable perfboard, solder, time etc.
> But one thing I know for sure, I like all types of caps for Tesla
> systems. I like the MMC's too, but they are not a common cureall for
> what ails your coil. You want big sparks? Get hi voltage and moderate
> current into your coil and then build a good spark gap. Then add
> capacitance as needed for max spark. Too much is mentioned of these
> MMC's lately, they are not a cure all. I do agree that the MMC's can be
> a very reliable and indestructible source of capacitance as long as they
> are rated above rms. A good spark gap and well tuned and coupled primary
> is the most efficient way to get your coil to produce big sparks. How
> many of you really take the time to couple your primary/secondary?
>From my experience, I think most coilers do take the trouble to
properly couple their coils.
> And
> most of all, you must rate your caps to withstand double the A/C voltage
> that they will ever endure,including random peaks of voltage, if you do
> that, then you will have a fantastic cap setup that will last and last
> and will be capable of upgrading easily to a bigger higher powered
> system. I like my latest coil with the one and one half turn primary.
> That is true efficiency!
Using a 1.5 turn primary does not prove the coil is efficient. Using
the proper design, your transformers can give a spark that is more
than twice as long as you are obtaining now.
John Freau