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Re: AC Split phase motor????

Hi all

I kill my first RSG just by RF induction,  when I disassemble the motor I
find I
just burn the motor  cap.

Luc Benard

> David and Richie,
> I lost a vacuum gap motor in a slightly different manner - a streamer
> hit to a hanging lamp that was accidently left plugged into the mains.
> In this case, the streamer hit the chain and 2-wire lamp cord, travelled
> back through the conduit, and arced between the grounded case of the
> vacuum motor and one of the field windings. The follow through current
> from the 120 V line melted the wire leading to the winding, stopping the
> motor in its tracks. Disassembly of the motor showed where this had
> occured on a magnet wire lead to one of the stator windings, and repair
> was quite simple. I'm actually lucky that the vacuum motor was the
> weakest link... :^)
> In the case of your motors, I wonder if a sudden power arc hitting the
> grounded motor might have been sufficient to generate a short, high
> voltage transient on the case of the motor due to the presence of lead
> inductance between the motor and true RF ground. If this transient was
> sufficient to cause a flashover between the elevated case and a stator
> winding, the resulting follow-through current from the LV mains to
> ground might blow open up the connection to a winding at the point of
> the flashover. Depending upon where the open occurs, the motor might be
> easily repairable without rewinding.
> -- Bert --
> --
> Bert Hickman
> Stoneridge Engineering
> Email:    bert.hickman@aquila.net
> Web Site: http://www.teslamania.com