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Re: Where can I get toriods besides ...
In a message dated 11/10/00 7:06:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> Original poster: "Garry Freemyer" <Garry@NDFC.com>
> You know, this is a bit confusing. I could have sworn I read some emails
> that said sciencefirst sold an inferior toriod and not to buy from them.
> all I get is praise of them.
> I don't like being made out to be the heavy here, for reading a message or
> two critical of science first and then when I swallow it all I hear is
> praise and that I am wrong. if they make good toriods, than maybe I'll just
> buy one from them but I would have preferred not getting mixed signals.
Garry, all,
Regarding the science first toroids, it depends on how you define good.
The overall shape is not quite right (squarish areas), and the edge and
seam are often poor, and the glue often shows in big blobs around the
edge. Some are better than others, so they're not consistent. Other
than that they're fine.
John Freau