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RE: science first tesla coil

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 7:31 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: science first tesla coil

Original poster: CTCDW@aol.com 

Hello, folks,

I actually have one of the science first tesla coils.... (the things that my

poor parents had to find for Christmas when I was younger). I have found it 
to be a great little demo coil, and also to be quite "safe" I leanred alot 
from that little thing, and at only 5 watts, I think the 2" arc that I get 
from it is pretty good. I have enjoyed it alot over the years. I feel that 
its a great little starter coil for beginners, to aquaint themselves with



I was wondering about these.  I would like to get one to play around with as
well and learn a bit about coils.  I have been interested in them since I
first saw one back in middle school.

Thanks for the info - at least I know that they are not a complete waste of
money and actually serve a purpose.  I am guessing that there is no tuning
on the users part - plug-n-play?
