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RE: Where can I get toriods besides ...
The toroid I got from Sciencefirst didn't even have the holes aligned, the
hole had to be redrilled. They claim a 3" spark from their tesla coil they
sell, the truth is it's about half that.
The plans for the tesla coil call for a 1.5" by 40" secondary. About a ratio
of 26.6:1 as opposed to the widely accepted as optimum 5:1 ratio.
The plans called for the construction of a stacked plate cap where the
dialectric was half the required thickness and it was not soaked in oil. The
caps got hot very fast and were extremely lossy.
The plans claim that 18" sparks could be made with the tesla coil built to
their specs. The longest spark I got was 6"
Aside from redrilling the Toroid, the thing was fine otherwise. I have no
experience with the van-de-graaf generators but I've seen them on web sites
and they look like they work great so I'd have to agree with you on the
van-de-graaf part.
Again, the owner is extremely nice and when I got a bad tesla coil unit, she
bent over backwards to see that I was happy with what I bought, I just think
they could do far better.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 5:18 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Where can I get toriods besides ...
Original poster: "Grayson B Dietrich" <electrofire@juno.com>
Perhaps this is a bit off-topic*, but, I am rather familiar with the
products offered by Science First, and I must judge them differently.
They are an -excellent- source for all parts pertaining to Van De Graaff
generators, and the one small tesla coil they sell, while unusual in
design and perhaps inefficient, is one I have seen sold by many other
companies. They do not manufacture them, I would think. When it comes to
electrostatics accesories and supplies, though, they are wonderful. I am
not familiar with any tesla coil plans they sell.
That same tesla coil, identifiable by its conical secondary, concentric
primary, and base has been sold by Edmund Scientific, and Scientific
American as well.
Grayson Dietrich
Information Unlimited, however, I must agree with you on. *shudders*
*>>"opinions of commercial tesla coil kits" is perfectly on topic as
mentioned at www.pupman.com - Terry<<
On Wed, 08 Nov 2000 11:56:18 -0700 "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
> Original poster: "Garry Freemyer" <Garry@NDFC.com>
> I wish to get a larger toriod. The current one I have is 2" X 8" I
> got it
> from sciencefirst but I don't want to do business with a company
> that sells
> inferior plans and tesla coils. I feel the same way about
> Information
> Unlimited. It's kind of a shame, I've spoken with the owner of
> Sciencefirst
> and she seems to be a very nice lady. Its just too bad they don't
> educate
> themselves more and make plans that really DO work.
> So, where can I order a toriod from a company we respect here in the
> US?
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