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Re: Neon Tube Sourcings?

Hi Harvey

Do you speak about glass bulb without electrode around 5" wide by 12"
long ? If it's that they are gas source for neon sign mfr. they contain
pure noble gas at room pressure and any neon sign shop can provide it to

Luc Benard

P.S. I made my first plasma sphere with one of these fill with neon (
more conductor than argon ).

Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "harvey norris" <harvich@yahoo.com>
>  Out of the 5 bulbs purchased this year, 4 are broke,
> and the remaining argon does not convey the large
> disharges to ground found with the neons. I formerly
> purchased bulbs from Phoenix Sign Co in Akron Ohio.
> They seem to be out of business. Another Co seems to
> have give me a run around. Nobody wants to ship bulbs
> UPS anyways. The neons respond to series resonant
> midpoint potentials differently from small florescents
> possibly due to the bulbs more instantaneous
> resistance drops after ignition, giving a quenching
> effect that makes the bulb blink. In the experiments
> with the alternator rpms it wound be nice to have
> small 4 to 5 inch neons, as it would seem to be
> possible to coordinate the blinks to the frequency.
> Has anyone ever found a neon bulb source over the
> internet? Would appreciate any info.
> =====
> Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
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