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Re: Where can I get toriods besides ...
I would strongly recommend Ross Engineering,
http://www.rossengineeringcorp.com/ They are rather expensive, but I
have ordered from them several times before and the quality has always
been excellent.
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Garry Freemyer" <Garry@NDFC.com>
> I wish to get a larger toriod. The current one I have is 2" X 8" I got it
> from sciencefirst but I don't want to do business with a company that sells
> inferior plans and tesla coils. I feel the same way about Information
> Unlimited. It's kind of a shame, I've spoken with the owner of Sciencefirst
> and she seems to be a very nice lady. Its just too bad they don't educate
> themselves more and make plans that really DO work.
> So, where can I order a toriod from a company we respect here in the US?
* Steve Rodway Legion Electronics *
* SteveR@legion-elec.demon.co.uk Tel. +44 (0)1761 300615 *
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