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The Phase Angle Misnomer

In another thread Jim Lux had replied; 
As you vary the phase angle, the peak/rms/average
ratios all
change. A scope can give you the conduction angle,
from which one can
compute the expected numbers.

I consider this a misunderstanding on my part, and
thought it a good opportunity to clear confusion if it
exists. I am actually discouraged by the broad use of
the phase angle idea namely because of the great
confusion that it brings by measurement. The standard
of measurement that obeys the laws of resonance
implies that the inductor will conduct its ohmic value
at resonance. If that is a constant we can merely read
the amperage consumption and determine the phase angle
by knowing the voltage, frequency,inductance and
resistance. However that only occurs in the IDEAL 
component case and when large inductors are used in
the REAL world, other factors come into the picture so
that large inductors seldom are able to make the full
conduction by ohms laws at resonance. An air core
column of 14 gauge coils is very effective in coming
to that value predicted at resonance because of the
large spacing between wires, yeilding a small internal
capacitance, but a coil of 23 gauge wire of massive
turns also has an internal capacitance that delimits
the possible ohms law value that would be reached with
a perfect inductor. The 14 gauge coils act as a
perfect inductor at 60 hz: whereas the 56 Henry coils
do not. In many calculations the assumption that the
amperage consumption itself DOES indicate the phase
angle is in complete error do to the fact that large
inductors generally do not act as IDEAL components in
resonance. While that rule may work in the majority of
cases it is not the total rule. Thus given the above
facts I can say that the 56 Henry coil can conduct 85%
of its ohmic value at 60 hz resonance, and not be so
many degrees out of phase with its source voltage as
would normally be implied if that were an IDEAL
inductor. If we automatically assumed THAT FACT we
would want to know the sin of what angle produces .85
of the total  so we arrive at the number 1.015 radian.
A radian is 3.14, half a revolution, and 1/3 of this
is a sixth of a revolution, about a 60 degree phase
angle amperage that would ONLY occur in an ideal
conductor at that phase angle. The IDEAL inductor of
course would of course consume more amperage as its
phase angle increased, but some confusion is inherent
in the fact that the same amperage consumption for the
real inductor is actually totally in phase with the
source voltage/ although it does not come to the value
dictated by ohms law. HDN

Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201

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