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Re: Halloween Fun/Earth Resonant Discharge?

--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: Tesla729@cs.com 
> Hi all,
> I just thought I would share a little bit of the fun
> that I had 
> opening up my shop overhead door and firing "Medusa"
> when passerby trick-or-treaters passed in front of
> the "Mad
> Scientist's" home. Needless to say, it drew some
> consider-
> able curiousity. I met one neighbor who lived just a
> half of a
> block up the street from me that was very interested
> in elec-
> tricity. I would fire it up for a few seconds at a
> time and people
> would stop to look for a minute or so and then
> proceed on 
> with their trick-or-treating. However his fellow
> just kept sit-
> ting there. I finally shut her down and went out and
> introduced
> myself. He said that he was hard to impress, but
> that the coil 
> definitely impressed him! Hey, maybe I want be the
> only coiler
> in Memphis anymore! Anyway, the weather was very
> conducive
> this year for trick-or-treaters here in Memphis, as
> we have been
> having unusually warm weather for so late into the
> fall season
> ( about 85* today ). So it got more exposure tonight
> than its had
> since it was completed.
> Keeping 'em Sparkin' in Memphis,
> David Rieben
I also had a bit of fun on halloween, by running  24
inch argon and neon tubes to ground, powered by the
voltage rise of large 60 hz resonant coils. The
unusual thing of course that no return wire was used.

We Understand what a Schuman resonance is, that is 7.8
hz. If we had an AC indicator light that showed when
the peaks of those AC voltages acted, that would
actually be twice or ~ 15 blinks/sec. Now what I have
actually done in this mpeg is to show a bulb reacting
to the earth at 12 hz by calculations of looking at
47/60ths of a second and counting 17 on blinks vs 47
frames at 16.6 ms, but the observers will see half
this value as explained below... chop/chop

In this ratio the power input is limited to a 175 ma
input from wall 
voltage, which is the maximum the BRS will consume
from the wall, as
described in the past. Each of those 56 henry coils
are 1000 ohms, and
in parallel that makes 500 ohms. The ohms law value of
conduction is 
never achieved at series res. because those large
will never fully
resonate because of large internal capacitance in the
23 gauge windings

Now what is done then is to merely connect the high
voltage generated
by the two  opposite unobvious potential rises of the
midpoint series
resonant rises of voltage to 2 gas bulbs, at each of
the opposite
midpoint potentials with bulbs going to ground. Thus
it is a one
ended electrical path using the capacity of the earth
itself to allow
conduction through the bulbs as a one wire delivery.

It was then found that by placing the 24 inch argon
bulb to a tree,
the dielectric qualities of the wood to ground enabled
a steady
state discharge to occur across that bulb as a
capacitive filter in 
series  with that unobvious potential. But the bulb
directly grounded
would instead blink. In fact each of these paths to
ground will 
normally fight each other for the predominant ground
path, but the
wood filter in this case enabled simultaneous
discharge from that bulb.

So what I have done is to make a mpeg file of the
resonant bulb 
blinking to ground as a 11 sec file contained at
teslafy account at
driveway.com  Type in gefeveqy as password and you
will see this 
latest file at the bottom. But you will not see what
actually occured.
This is because of what I call the wagon wheel effect.
Dr. Krusinski
actually showed me this from showings of the old Death
Valley Days
episodes where when the wagon wheels deaccelerate in
time referenced
 to the stable  time frames taken by the camera,
providing an illusion
seen or referenced by the viewer as something
appearing to momentarily 
move forwards, instead of backwards.

An OBSTACLE is a mirage that APPEARS to limit itself,
by our own
belief in it. That is how our reality is created and

One copy of reality can be totally different from
another, simply
because of the difference of sampling rates. Now it is
our superior
cognition that determines the facts in reality, and
thereby we can
then recognize what is a delusion, and what is reality
in time as we
know it.

Here then is a sort of massive paradox that is a real
thing I have
seen on tapings. We normally understand that a taping
is only a 
recording. It is supposed to reveal the same
information everytime 
time because it is a recording. However I have made
recordings where
the information that is seen then changes the future
on only that recording...
already chronologically recorded from the past. I have
concluded this 
to be some kind of temporary acting virus,so beware of
past events.

The example I am supplying here has even nothing to do
with the above
paragraph, but is used in context to illustrate an
analogy that does 
exist, a little beyond the comprehension now being
shown, simply to 
show it as the next stepping stone of understanding.

If one were to jump to that understanding as a first
step: it becomes 
more understandable as a de ja vu, as the
understanding has been there
all along, very Zen like. What I am talking about here
is that I have 
recorded an event, obeyed all the rules, ect and the
event viewed by
others will be entirely different from the event
captured on tape.
So who and how and what is responsible for such a
massive discrepancy?
Better talk to Alice in the Looking Glass: or
Relativity in time.
In the mpeg I have submitted you will see a 24 inch
blinking neon bulb
from a BRS midpoint to ground. It is 11 seconds. If
you count the
blinks of the bulb on the video, this is possible to
count them
five at a time with fingers as five or funf. When I
made this mpeg
I noticed that the blinks  were twice as slow on the
mpeg as on the
real recording from VHS tape. More inspection reveals
that the sampling
rate of USA VHS CamCorders are once per cycle, or USA
60 hz. This also 
means a Camera should run to produce frames per second
as a frequency
dependent ratio. At 16.6 ms/USA hz, it is also noticed
that the DAZZLE
mpeg software only produces frames per second at half
this sampling
rate, or a frame every .03 seconds. In this case the
source is blinking 
twice as fast as what is then actually being recorded
by the software.

So here we can see the everyday occurances of
relativity, this is not 
only something for Einstein  or the mischeivious cat
of probabilities.
Here I have something that blinks twice as
fast,figured at 12 hz, but
when the software translates it, it appears as 6 hz.
Thats a big discrepancy.
And speaking of the efficiency here, it doesnt seem
too bad at 20 watts.

Sincerely HDN

Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201

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