
RE: Primary winding, an easier way

Jeremiah: Pls be sure to read Richard Quicks pages on winding coils on the
pupman-dot-com site. Print the pages to hard copy and study them VERY valuable,
basic info.


He states emphatiucally that at no time should the sec tube be drilled into. 
Since I recently finished my secondary, a 6" diameter Plexiglas tube about 30"
long, let me use it as an example. 
I made a winding jig. 
I secured the start of my #22 using hot glue. And I carefully closewound the
coil making sure that windings did not overlap.

Allow space at the bottom for the ground connection and space at the end for
running the end of the wire to the "fixture" you use to attach your toroid. I
cemented a small diameter PVC end cap to the middle of the closing disk.

Hope the above is a good start for you. Again...read those pages. 

Ted R. 

Subject: Primary winding, an easier way 

Original Poster: "Jeremiah" <jmeizis-at-metallicafan-dot-com> 

I was wondering is their an easy way to wind the primary than just winding 
through holes.  Also if the windings are not all the same length apart is 
that going to effect performance a lot.  Thanks 

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