
Re: Problems with coil


I just compacted my mail folders, and lost your last q to the Tesla
list, the one with the Wintesla readout.

Could you resend., Pls.  <<I will resend to Finn for you - Terry >>

Going from memory here:

You don`t have a shorted strike protection ring, by chance?

The coupling is an important parameter, and if it is too tight, the
secondary will start to arc over btwn windings. This is called "racing
sparks" because they can run all over the surface of the coil. It can
also make the gap have problems to quench properly. So being able to
move the secondary relative to the primary is a big help.

The gap is of the highest importance. you should insure that there are
no sharp edges on it. The surfaces that face each other, and form the
emission surface should have nice curved profiles.

Hope this helps.

BTW. Perhaps you should take the rectifier out of the circuit untill you
have got some sparks, then move on from there.

Cheers, Finn Hammer