
Re: MASSIVE Coil (22 Megavolts)

There has been lots of research in the last decade or so on very long
sparks from high voltages.  At voltages over a megavolt or two, anything
you're likely to see is going to certainly qualify as a "non-uniform field"
(A sphere would have to be meters(!) in diameter to get the field even
close to uniform).

The spark length/voltage is really only linear for very uniform fields (or
for spheres with radii on the order of 3 or 4 times the gap distance). 

And, there is a lot of theoretical work in the spark propagation area for
electrode voltages in the 1-4 MV area where length of spark and voltage
don't correlate well at all.

For long sparks in a non-uniform field, the real determining thing is the
impedance of the source.  In the case of a TC, this would be the size of
the top load.

> >As far as the 22 mega volt RQ coil, those are his claims, I am just
> >repeating. Another advantage to the magnifier coil is that it is able to
> >process a much higher voltage without frying to a crisp. As I mentioned
> >before I have no actual hands on experience yet, so the advantages may
> >not be quite as bold...but there is only one way to find out! :-) I am
> >curious though if you have built one of these coils?
> The 22 Megavolts is now known to be a little "optimistic" by at least one
> (perhaps two) orders of magnitude :-))  Only recently have the tools been
> available to really confirm secondary voltages.  The older claims were
> based on what they knew at the time.  A three coil system may or may not
> better for long arcs depending on the physical space available to run it.
> But the power transfer can be optimized in either with pretty much equal
> success.