Re: Spaced Coil measurements - Addendum.
Hi all,
I forgot to include the wirelength stuff:
> As promised, here are the measurements (and they do contain a
> surprise):
> The Coil: Hs = 31.5", Ds = 12.3", Ns = 38 turns Dwire = 0.8mm
> Winding pitch = 1.2 TPI, former = thinwall PVC tubing
Actual wirelength = 37.9m c/(4*wirelength) = 1.98MHz
As usual, a terminal has to be added to bring the frequency down if
the 1/4 wavelength is to be made to reflect the physical wirelength
as the bare coil resonated at 2.9MHz. No major surprise there for the
lumped scenario.
> - Suppose Wheeler is correct. Then Medhurst fails to give the
> correct figure for Cself (if this were true, reading #1 suggests
> Cself = 20.4pF, reading #4 suggests Cself = 78pF). This contradicts
badly *if one takes a lumped view of things*.