
Re: Hello!

     hey chris, I'm one of your el-wire customers!  good to see you here!  
     I'm almost finished with my first coil, just waiting for some bypass 
     caps.  hoping for 30"-40" sparks!  I'm going to bring mine to BM too, 
     we should have a little teslathon!
     What are the specs on your coil, and what are you missing?

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Subject: Hello!
Author:  Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> at INTERNET
Date:    3/20/00 8:42 PM

Original Poster: "Chris Petrell" <Taz-at-armory-dot-com> 
I just wanted to say hello to everyone.  I joined this list about 2 weeks 
back, and have not really had a chance to look through the emails yet.  I have 
well over 1k of em so far!  I recently purchased an incomplete tesla coil, and 
in a month or 2 will be completing it so I can take it to Burningman.  One 
thing I tell ya is, you have not lived life until you have witnessed 30' 
sparks shooting from a tesla coil as I saw 3 years back.  Now mine will 
probably only shoot out 18" ones, but hey.. what the heck!  
  Anyways I have alot to learn, and this looks like a GREAT forum for that!
So thanks in advance!  Take it easy everyone..
Chris Petrell
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