
Re: Secondary form materials


.15meters is ~6 inches (for those who still only think in US units).  I just
finished my 6.25" secondary.  I used a 3 foot (1 meter) section of 6" PVC sewer
pipe that I obtained at cost from a local plumber.  It has a 6.27" (159mm) OD,
and a .10" (2.5mm) wall.  I haven't used it yet, as most of the elctronics are
still being assembled....

Mark B

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Unger, Blair" <ungerb-at-william.jewell.edu>
> I'm beginning the research and sometime down the road, construction of a
> Tesla coil whose secondary will be approximately 1.5 meters high and .15
> meters in radius. I need some help clarifying what material to use for the
> secondary coil form.
> In the August 1997 edition of the "American Journal of Physics," I came
> across an article that stated the only sensible way to create the secondary
> coil was to have as little dielectric material in the vicinity as possible.
> In the article, this was accomplished by spacing six small acrylic tubes at
> the edges of a hexagon, leaving the center open to the air. Is it necessary
> to go to such an extreme to limit dielectric loss. If not, what material
> would be best suited for a secondary form.
> Thanks,
> Blair