build perfect cheap toroid!!!
Dear all,
Ever considered the following for building your own beautiful and
working toroid? i bought a secondhand truck inner tyre. Inflated it
manually and covered the tyre with ligaments of aluminumfoil. The
ligaments were laid double as armwrists around the ring, so I made about
25 double rings next to each other. ´Glue´ the ends of the ligaments
with vaseline or fat, no glue or tape! Wrap all of the the tyre in
plastic domestic foil (to keep food fresh) and inflate the tyre a bit
more. All rinkles in the (aluminum)foil will disappear and the ligaments
will move towards eachother or tear here and there but because of the
double layer and the glueing with vaseline you wont see.
Here´s your 10 U$ perfect toroid!