Re: Solid-state t.c.'s
Hi Ken, All,
Comments below:
> Original Poster: "Kennan C Herrick" <kcha1-at-juno-dot-com>
> 7. Presently I have 24, 500V/85A MOSFETs and 12, 160V power sources
> (1000 uF capacitors) handling ~250 A of pulse-burst current
Are you driving the gates separately for faster commutation and efficiency?
Why don't you use some of the MOSFET bricks from IR and others? You can
buy these from surplus electronics suppliers for sometimes as low as $10
each! They can handle enormous pulse currents and come with nice bolt-on
terminals. Turn on too slow for efficiency?
> I gate the amplifier on for about 6 ms for each spark, at up to
> 100/sec or so before running out of ac-mains current capability. With
> the present 160 V applied to the primary I get ~20" branching sparks from
> the 4" x 14" aluminum-duct toroid.
What would happen if you gated it on for 2 ms at 200 pulses/sec?
Have you tried your primary system with an ordinary coil, say 4.25" by 17"
close wound with different sizes of wire for comparison?
> Ken Herrick