TC strikes hard (was RE: Interesting Skin Depth Data
Hi List,
Asked by someone off the list and following Dale's
recent post on this subject I'll summarize here the
most important facts concerning TC power arc
dischargings,and especially its shocking effects to
humans (termal effects are not considered here).
TC power arc discharge is said to be high current-high
peak power (MW range) electrodynamic pulse of very
short duration (microsecond time scale).
Such short lasting high current pulses can produce
various consequences depending on few things.
1)Most definitely energy of pulse and its DC%
component (both-respectively) are predominant factors
that determine the "amount" of delivered shock.
DC% component of every current wave form can be
defined as follows:
where S denotes integral and | | modulus.
( Limits of integration I assume but didn't write
-Comparing 2 short pulses of same r and different
energies ,shock is worse of that one with higher E.
-Conversely,as long as r=0 one can pass through the
tissue HF current (in bandwidth f>100 khz) and as
concerns muscular contraction -NOTHING will be
registered regardless of current amplitude.
Put it like this:few 1Mhz range undamped sine waves of
amplitude 100 A can be passed through path
arm-chest-arm without any reaction if hand held
electrodes are grasped tightly.
2)Shorter DC pulse is less dangerous than longer DC
pulse if equal energies are in game.
Example-dischargings of various size caps all with the
same energy through the path arm-chest-arm and effects
are given:
E=40J,C=1000 nF..ventricular fibrilation likely for
50% of population
E=40J,C=10 nF..very dangerous and severe shock for
whole organism.Great possibility of lossing consciece
but ventricular fibrilation unlikely
E=40J,C=0.5 nF..very painful,strong muscular
contraction of whole body,significant rise of blood
pressure after the shock , dizzyness, but small
possibility of lossing conscience or ventricular
fibrilation to occur.
For smaller capacities and realeased high energies I
have no data but I know that 3 MV V.de Graff arc can
kill human being.
3)Back to TCs.Even from small,low powered TC, skillful
experimentor is capable to draw off "painful" spark by
hand held electrode.About that amazing fact I was
informed by Malcolm Watts.
Various sorts of rectifications are possible on TC
output-and longer TC arc is not easily understandable
"switch" at all.
Note* I hope ,after reading this newbies gonna think
twice before they stick hand held electrode into
output arc of their coils.
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