
RE: MMC WIMA caps -- good or bad?

I used strings of sixteen Wima FKP-1 .015uF/1600V caps on my MMC, and with a
15KV/60mA NST have had no problems.  See
<http://people.ne.mediaone-dot-net/lau/tesla/mmc_cap.htm> .  Since many on this
List now builld MMC's out of ten-long strings of 1600V caps, my design
appears to be conservative, and your proposed design of 21 caps is extremely
conservative, probably way more expensive than need be.  I found my caps at
a surplus place (gone now), so I can't comment on price.

Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA
		Original Poster: "David W" <Dav_W926-at-hotmail-dot-com> 

		    I am planning to build an MMC array for my TC, I just
have to find the
		right caps.  So far, I have been eyeing the WIMA FKP1 2000
VDC/700 VAC at 0.047
		uF capacitors and the WIMA FKP 2000 VDC/ 700 VAC 0.068 uF
Snubber capacitors at
		<http://www.wima-dot-com>http://www.wima-dot-com   Does anybody know
anything about
		these caps? including price, current rating; I plan to buy
around 500 - 600 of
		them with one of my friends.  
		    My setup will be run with 15000V at 180 mA and a regular
120 bps on an 8"
		coil.  The cap bank will have 14 strings of 21 caps using
the FKP1's for .0313
		uF, or 10strings of 22 caps using the FKP Snubbers for .0309
uF, both rated
		around 15000VAC.  You do think that the current will be
divided enough, right? 
		I know, I know, I probably don't need that many for my power
setup, but I'm a
		perfectionist-- better safe than sorry--, or something.
		    Any pointers or info about these caps or any others that
are good will be
		appreciated- happy coiling, thanks a million
		    BTW- anybody know anything about Elecrocube 950 series?