Re: The worlds Largest Coil
>Original Poster: pmathus-at-learningco-dot-com
> If you really want to build the biggest coil in the world, you should
> talk to Greg Leyh, the Electrum guy. www.lod-dot-org is his website I
> believe. His Advanced Lightning Facility proposal is pretty
> interesting. I remember hearing that the coils(!) he's proposing are
> within 10% of the theoretical limit on coil size, although I won't
> pretend I know what those limits are. So if he actually gets the
> thing built, it'll not only be the 2 biggest coils in the world,
> be the 2 biggest coils possible, more or less!!! Pretty exciting
> stuff. If I was Bill Gates I'd write him a check in a heartbeat:)
> I would be interested in hearing from any list members on what the
> upper limits on tesla coil size are. I remember it had something to
> do with the frequency getting too low, maybe?
> paul
I'd like to Get Greg's help! And Bill Wysock's, and a herd of others!
The 13M is a 1/5th scale model of one of Tesla's own coils, so I think that
we could get prettey big before hitting the limit up of coil design. I'm
interested in hearing what the limits are, and why.
the 13M is massive, and works in the 10s of Khz.
chris B.
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