
Re: Secondary static shocks (Was: NSTs...DEADLY)

Hi all,
I have been zapped in the past by 120VAC, 20,000VDC(microamps), and 400VDC
from a vaccuum tube supply (The 400V being the most painful), and believe
me, you never get used to it! I still flinch when I get shocked from a
doorknob on a dry winter day, and I drop my testleads when someone pops
bubble wrap at work (Oooooh I wanna kill him!)


----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:59 PM
Subject: Secondary static shocks (Was: NSTs...DEADLY)

> Original Poster: "Alex Crow" <user-at-alexcrow.clara-dot-net>
> Stan,
> I never get used to my secondary shocks! With so many coats of varnish on
> coil, on a dry day it can pack quite a wallop if picked up with both
hands. Now
> I always use an earthed brush!!!!!!!
> Alex
> Tesla List wrote:
> > Original Poster: "Stan" <sdarling-at-columbus.rr-dot-com>
> >
> > The secondary shock is almost certainly some form of static discharge.
> > I have gotten a shock from touching my secondary many times, but it's
> > more like the winter touch the doorknob static shock than an AC mains or
> > NST shock.  These static shocks can be unnerving, especially when you
> > are new to coiling.  But, after a while, you get used to them and don't
> > even notice them any more.