
Preparing for test of modified secondary

Dear all,

Today (if the weather holds out) I hope to test my new enhanced
secondary. As per a few people's results on the list, I extended my
winding from 900 turns of 22SWG wire (0.71mm) on a 6.5" form to about
1250 turns. Although this makes about a 1:5 ratio, I am hoping that this
will be a better match to arcs, all the rest remaining the same
(multi-pipe static gap, 10kV 200mA of neons, 0.067uF MMC, flat primary,
big 6x36" toroid.) Got regular 70" arcs before, now I hope to get some
more solid arcs past 6 feet. Keep your fingers crossed for me!...
Results should be posted within a couple of days.
