
Re: Caps.

Hi Oliver,

> Original Poster: "Oliver39" <Oliver39-at-tinyworld.co.uk>
> I was expeimenting with a few capacitors rated at 1250v with my
>4kv-at-25ma NST I sort of expected them to work a bit better than
>they did. They worked when the were set up in paralell (not very
>well) but in series they just exploded and caught fire. I was
>wondering how are you suposed to have them (parelell or series)
>and should I get a few capacitors with a high voltage rating
>or get more rated at a lower voltage?

What exactly were you doing? TC work? What kind of caps
are they? PC, MKT, MKP, etc? We need more input ;o)

You series caps to increase their voltage and parallel them
(or chains) to increase the capacitance (which you lose as
you series them)

My guess is you first ran them in parallel (right?) and then
seriesed them. If so, they were internally damaged on the
first run and then didnīt hold up in series mode, either.

If you were doing any kind of pulse work, you probably
exceeded their AC and DC voltage AND their dv/dt, which
spells instant death (as you noticed).

>Please reply off list.
I replyed both ways, so that all get the info ;o)

Coiler greets from Germany,