Re: coil probs... please help...
In a message dated 5/28/2000 10:04:59 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> am i doing something seriously wrong or am i just way of in my tuning or
> something like that... i would appreciate any help that any of you would
> have
> thanks,
> Kelly
I agree totally with what Terry suggests for fixing your tuning. I think you
might have the first 14g secondary on a 4 inch form. This will likely cause
you some headaches(well you have already had one, so it should not be much
different). Using such thick wire causes the Q of your coil to be very
large and will make the tuning very sharp. You will discover that the sweet
spot for tuning is very small and that if your tap point is off by only a
couple of inches, your output will drop dramatically. This will be even more
touchy down around four primary turns. You may want to think about using a
small off-axis tuning coil (approx. four inch diameter and about ten turns of
copper tubing or very thick solid wire) to aid you in finding the tap point.
I use one for my 8 inch coil and found that made it very easy to find the
perfect tuning. It turns out with my tuning coil that the entire coil is
approximately equivalent to one of the outer turns of my primary coil.
Hope this helps,