Re: Nice big electrodes
Hi Rich,
I used one of these on my first TC (auto ignition coil driven), worked real
well, that is until by sister wanted them back!
Gavin, U.K.
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Richard Barton" <richardbarton@caving5.freeserve.co.uk>
> I've found a great source of big fat spherical metal
> electrodes. They are steel, chromium-plated, and
> between 1.5 inches and 2.5 inches in diameter,
> heavy and hollow. You can drill a small hole in them
> and secure them to apparatus with a self-tapping
> screw.
> What are they ?
> So-called "Chinese Finger Balls"..... or similar names,
> they jangle, and are supposed to be therapeutic and
> you can buy them in those shops that are full of
> aromatherapy stuff and souvenirs. The assistant was
> taken aback when I bought 20 of them.
> Anyone else tried them or have I discovered something
> brilliant ?
> Richard Barton