Re: Secondary Idea
That's an interesting thought...what *would* happen if you had 2
secondaries, one slightly larger than the first, and both wound so
they've got the same res. freq....I'd imagine stopping the
flashovers inside the secondaries would be hard...(maybe slip-fit
plexi donuts on the inner secondary that slip fit inside the outer
secondary? (teritary?!?) Run both bottoms to RF ground, run both
tops to the toroid (need more topload I assume)...I don't think
flashovers from one secondary to the other would be a
problem...they should be around the same potential at the same
elevation...would they be in phase? Oh man..this has opened a
whole can 'o worms :) What kind of interference would they cause
to each other? Time to dig out Wintesla and some wire...
Hmm....Sounds kooky enough to try!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Friday, May 26, 2000 11:39 PM
Subject: Secondary Idea
>Original Poster: ANTarchimedes@aol.com
>I'm curious...If you were to wrap another secondary coil around a
>coil, and attach the top of that coil to the bottom of the other
one, would
>it either be equal to a secondary with their heights combined, or
>work as a Tesla magnifier?
>Nick Moor