
Re: Optimal toroid elevation

Hi Marco,

Using the dimensions you give here, I plugged the following into
E-Tesla5.21.  You may want to check my numbers...

 E-TESLA  V5.21  May 26, 2000  Terry Fritz
20:25:28      05-26-2000
 Grid Size =  120 
 Scale Multiplier =  1 
 Terminated Coil
 Ceiling Distance =  200 
 Wall Distance =  100 
 Primary Height (Inner Turn) =  0 
 Primary Inner Diameter =  20 
 Primary  Outer Diameter =  30 
 Primary Height (Outer Turn) =  0 
 Secondary Base Height =  7 
 Secondary Diameter =  15.75 
 Secondary Length =  59 
 Secondary Inductance =  .0882 
 Terminal-1 Height (center) =  85 
 Terminal-1 Radius =  4 
 Terminal-1 Diameter (torroid only)=  51 
 Terminal-2 Height (center) =  85 
 Terminal-2 Radius =  0 
 Terminal-2 Diameter (torroid only)=  0 
 Top Voltage =  100 
 Pass    Ccalc (pF)          % Change            Fcalc (Hz)
 100     C= 10.45974          10359.74           F = 165701.1 
 1900    C= 79.79104          .1575558           F = 59994.13 

The stress plot is at:

Note the very high stress at the top winding of the secondary.  This looks
like it would definitely have a good chance of arcing.

The field plot is at:

This plot does not look to bad. but the stress plot above is the key here.

I then ran it with a 4 inch diameter corona ring at the top of the
secondary winding:

The stress and field plots are here:

The ring helps a little but is not really that good.  I think the toroid is
simply too high.  I ran it with the toroid center 11 inches above the top
winding (instead of 19 inches as in the first example) and I got the following:


Note the far reduced stress at the top of the secondary winding and the
much more natural oval shape to the top E-fields.  "I" think this is the
way to go.  Put the terminal center about a foot above the secondary top
winding would be my guess.  I would have a thin ring (like 1/2 inch tubing)
as a corona ring to keep the top winding from burning if it does have an
arc.  I don't think the ring will help much with field control however.



At 10:43 AM 5/24/00 +0300, you wrote:
>Hello all.
>Can anybody please give me some hints about how much should be the distance
>between the top of the secondary coil and the middle point of the toroid for 
>Thor coil?
>The Thor secondary is 70" tall, winding is 59" long (about 4" left between top
>turn and top of the secondary form).
>The toroid is 59" outer diameter, the aluminium duct used is 7.9" diameter.
>I thought to rise the toroid about 15" - 20 " over the secondary top: any
>comments about that?
>Should I use also an anti-corona smaller toroid near to the last top secondary