Re: Primary winding, an easier way
In a message dated 5/26/00 12:50:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> Original Poster: "Jeremiah" <jmeizis@metallicafan.com>
> I was wondering is their an easy way to wind the primary than just winding
> through holes. Also if the windings are not all the same length apart is
> that going to effect performance a lot. Thanks
There are many good ways to make a primary. For a small coil,
one can use #12 stranded or solid pvc insulated wire close wound
wire, although it's little hard to make a tap point. I often just stick
a sewing needle into the wire, and attach an alligator clip to the
wire. If you use too much power the needle gets red hot though.
Sometimes I sandwich the primary between two plexiglas sheets,
or use radial clamps, etc.
Coax is a little lossy, but works fine too.
For copper tubing primaries, one can make plastic radial strips
with notches in it so the primary can be snapped into place, or
you can add plastic tie wraps to hold the turns in place.
The primary does not have to look pretty; the spacing does not
not have to be even between the turns, etc.
John Freau