
Re: Tesla's gotta lotta Gauss

There is a heavy field pulse created at initial conduction of the spark gap. I
calc this as instantaneous amps in my coil program as Iinst =  Vp sqrt(Cp/Lp).
BTW, I just took a look at it and it calcs at 417A every 3.98ms! Definately a
heavy pulse there. But, no, I've never used a gauss meter. Seems to me someone
has done this. You might check the archives if nothing turns up here. 

Take care, 

Tesla List wrote: 
> Original Poster: ANTarchimedes@aol.com 
> Has anyone tried measuring the magnetic feilds of their coil using a 
> Gaussmeter?  I'll bet that a fair current is created... despite the lack of 
> an iron core.