
Re: Cabinet

That sounds good, and should work nicely.  How many amps are those computer
cords made to conduct.  Do you think it will hold up?

----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: Cabinet

> Original Poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
> Noted the photo and it looks good...for control of something far more
> than my modest coil.
> I am using a static gap (Scot linear) so no rotary motor. My 2 muffin fans
> cooling will be 12VDC with 0-12DC supply.
> One variac external for the main supply.
> BTW, the coil is only 15KV/60 with a 6x24 secondary.
> One idea was suggested for safety...
> I plan a computer type AC socket on one cabinet panel. A computer type
> cord will run from that socket to the variac.
> To ensure that no unauthorized idiot connects a cord when I am not there,
> AC outlet will have a locking cover like used on a thermostat in public
> buildings.
> Red indicators are there only as a reminder that power is on...should not
> sparks be breaking out. It is not there as a "safety" like on a gun.
> Thanks to those who replied. It all helps.
> Ted R.
> Subject: Re: Cabinet
> Original Poster: "Powdermnky007" <Powdermnky007@hotmail.com>
> If I were you, i would try not to mount them onto the body of the cabinet.
> Run a few wires and mount them along with variacs, volt meters etc. on a
> wooden board
> so you can adjust the coil from a safe distance.
> Below text came from author of picture:
> ES1:  This is a partial picture of my control "board".
> fritz/site/misc/es1.jpg
> ==========
> Lower left is two variacs which I run in series to control the speed of
> rotary gap motor.  One is set to limit the maximum rpm and the other is
> to bring the speed up slowly.  Above these are the 60 cycle supple lines
> going out to the coil.  One is for the rotary gap motor, the other is for
> the
> fan motors on the rotary and the static gap used in series.
> The heavy powerstat variac is in the center bottom - used to contro the
> voltage to the pole pig.  Above that is the ammeter and voltmeter to
> the pole pig primary.  Above that you can see the primary feed lines going
> to the pole pig.
> To the right, are the 60 cycle line filters and some home made toroid
> filters
> used in series with the 60 cylce ground connection.
> Upper right is the plug for the welder (used to limit pole pig primary
> current) and the plug for the resistive bank (oven elements) used in
> parallel with the welder primary also to control the pole pig primary