
E-Tesla troubles

Hello Coilers:

I'm trying to use E-Tesla5 to compute my coil, but after I've entered
all of the params and confirmed they're correct, I get an overflow
error.  I know NOTHING about programing, so the help keys don't
help me at all.  Here's the parameters I'm entering:

Accuracy number = 3
Units = 3 (inches)
Ceiling height = 120
Dist. to walls = 96
Height of inner primary turn = 29
primary inner diameter = 5.5
primary outer diameter = 19
Height of outer primary turn = 31
Height of secondary 1st. turn = 30
Secondary diameter = 4.1
Secondary length = 16
Secondary inductance = 7.6 mH.
Height of 1st. toroid center = 50
Radius of 1st. toroid = 7.5 (see note below)
First toroid center to center diameter = 11
Height of 2nd. toroid center = 50
Radius of 2nd. toroid = 7.5
Second toroid center to center diameter = 11

I only have one toroid, so I entered the same numbers as the first
for the second, thinking that the program would see it as one.
The radius is from the mounting bolt on the secondary center axis
to the outer edge of the toroid.

The computer is an old 50 mHz. 486 with no other program running.

Anyone see why it won't compute? 

73, Weazle, VE3EAR/VE3WZL

Listening: 147.030+ and 442.075+
E-mail:    weazle@hurontel.on.ca
           or ve3ear@rac.ca
Web site:  www.hurontel.on.ca/~weazle