Re: Better Electrode Material
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Ryan Ries" <spud@wf.net>
> rare. But, if anyone can get ahold of some brass bolts that are 1/4" in
> diameter, and 3" - 4" long, PLEASE tell me. I don't want to have to build
> a new spark gap to accomodate for different sized bolts (but I can if I
> have to), and I really prefer bolts because they are easy to put ring
> terminals on and secure them with nuts. Any help (or advice) would be
> appreciated!
Ummm.. Eagle Hardware sells them arround here in Utah. I think Home Depot does
too, but I don't remember since HD is further away from me. ;) Eagle has bolts,
all-thread rod, nuts, washers, and acorn nuts. I built my safety gaps with
some. They work perfectly fine. All 1/4". If you really can't find any locally
you could order some online I'm sure.. Or I guess I could ship them to you. But
I think you will find they are available locally if you look hard enough.
I've never seen copper, except for split bolts in the electrical section. But
brass is easy. ;)