Re: toroid
Hi Terry,
I think a slightly different interpretation is in order:
On 19 May 00, at 11:34, Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi,
> The toroid has all of the charge on it's outer surface. There is no
> "voltage differential" inside the metal toroid so no energy can be stored
> inside it.
There is no nett electric field inside it - true. But it must be at the
same potential as the outer surface or there would need to be a
continuous input of energy to keep the charge separated.
People can even get inside of larger toroids with electronic
> equipment and such. Thus, what is inside the toroid has no effect on it's
> capacitance. You can fill it with air, water, vacuum and it will have no
> effect.
> Cheers,
> Terry
> At 09:32 AM 05/19/2000 -0400, you wrote:
> >I herd of some one thinking of using packing Styrofoam to muffle the sound
> >of their spark gap well that struck an idea the toroid acts as an compactor
> >well what if you filled it with packing Styrofoam would that make it
> >compacitate more?
> >