Re: Problem with the coil.
Hi Kamil!
I plugged your specs into Wintesla, the registered version! (hint)
And assuming that your primary is 175 mm inside diameter, came to the
conclution that you are running the 100 nF cap, is that correct?
The matched cap is ~30nF, and you`d want a bigger one than that, so
first I`d recommend you to series your caps to 47nF. This will allow
you to use more turns on the primary, about 4 turns. This should work
The secondary bottom turn should be around 25 mm above the primary to
start with, for a good working coupling, you can always lower it later,
when the coil is running better, watch for racing sparks, though.
How wide is your gap?
I would start out with 2-3 mm spacing, not more, and find the best
tuning point at that setting, then increase it untill the safety gaps
fire. You have safety gaps?, if not, record the max. distance the gap
will fire reliably, without the cap in the sircuit, and never exeed that
width unless you want to blow your caps.
You probably don`t want the airflow to be too harsh to start with,
although this parameter is hard to describe with words.
Hope this helps.
Cheers, Finn Hammer
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Kamil Kompa" <czlonek@polbox.com>
> Hi!
> I have made all parts of my tesla coil but I can't make it to work.
> (Im goaing to make a DC powered unit).
> Here is the description of all parts:
> 1. The transformer is 150mA 13000V current limited.
> 2.I have a 20kV rectifier made from four diodes.
> 3.I have 90nF and 100nF capacitors so I can have 47,90,100,or 190nF tank
> capacitance.(Both capacitors are rolled type polythene,oil filled. The
> values are measured with a meter).
> 4.Spark gap is single air blown gap.
> 5.Primary is a flat spiral 12 turns.
> 6.Secondary is 100mm diameter , made from 0.7mm diameter wire on a PCV
> pipe. It is 770 turns.
> 7.Toroid is 17pF
> 8.Grounding is cold water pipe (it's a metal pipe goaing straight to
> ground.)
> I don't know why my coil is not working properly. Perhaps it's not tuned
> properly. I tuned my coil by changing the tap point on the primary ,
> and watching the spark lenght to the grounded rod.Unfortinately the
> longest spark was only 20cm long. Also there were no sparksto the air.
> I have got the 20cm spark when primary was 2,4 turns (close to 2,6
> counted by WinTesla).
> What parts schould I change or what schould I do to make my coil
> working.
> Thanks for all answers.
> Kamil Kompa.
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