
Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion

For those who want to read some other stuff that Tesla himself
wrote about his world wireless system, check out


The above reference will take you to chapter 5 of Tesla's
autobiography, originally published in 1919 if I recall.
You can skip the first dozen or so paragraphs and go to where
he begins talking about his Magnifying Transmitter.

If you decide to go to the very beginning of the autobiography
you will see that the person who posted this copy of Tesla's autobiography
looks upon him as some kind of a demigod. Just ignore the hero
worshipping introduction. The autobiography speaks for itself.
I originally read this autobiography in 1964, and it looks like
the poster has kept the information within the book intact.

One note of caution: when Tesla speaks about his wireless system
he very explicitly is NOT referring to radio. I think a lot of
confusion has arisen due to the fact that "wireless" and "radio"
are synonomous in many people's minds. For Tesla "wireless" simply
means "without wires".

Fr. Tom McGahee

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Friday, May 19, 2000 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion

>Original Poster: "Gavin Dingley" <gavin.dingley@astra.ukf.net> 
>Hi Dan,
>Tesla disregarded the ionosphere (or Heavyside Layer as it was called then)
>and so he would not have contemplated the lithosphere-ionosphere wave guide
>theory later developed by Schumann.
>The use of the upper atmosphere as a conductor originates from his
>experimental work that showed that HV/HF current conducted better in a low
>pressure gases than along a metallic conductor. However, in the end he opted
>for Earth current conduction, where the isotropic capacity merely acted as an
>electromagnetic spring to store and return energy.
>I have to say I am surprised how there are so many open minded people on this
>discussion group, regarding the wireless TX of Pwr. I would be interested to
>know how many people on this group who believe in Tesla's theories of
>wireless transmission have a real good background in coiling. The reason I
>ask is because many of the people who appear to be really clude-up on coil
>theory, find the wireless transmission of electrical power to much of an
>outrageous theory.
>Kind regards,
>Gavin, U.K.
>Tesla List wrote:
>> What I want to know is, did he plan to use these resonant ground currents
>> in the earth AND excite the ionisphere (or the Schuman cavity as wer call
>> it today)?
>> Dan
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