
Re: [Fwd: folded sock theory]

Hi Marc and you all

Sadly I think I'm the worst for my english ,excuse me all but I make my
best thank to the dictionary and corrector otherwise none of you could
understand me.

A la prochaine tous.
Luc Benard(Montreal)

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Metlicka Marc" <mystuffs@orwell.net>
> X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
> Message-ID: <3925378C.178E2C90@orwell.net>
> Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 08:46:04 -0400
> From: marc metlicka <mystuffs@orwell.net>
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
> X-Accept-Language: en
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: tesl@pupman.com
> Subject: folded sock theory
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> terry,
>  first i must say that i have a very hard time puting my visions into
> words, i have driven some professors mad because my ideas were sound but
> my explenations were lacking.
>  my theory that the first output comes from the bottem wrap of the
> secondary is that the current doesen't travle through the wire in a
> spiral as it is wraped. i read in one post a while back that it is the
> side by side induction of the wire that conducts the curent. this i
> belive is the case. when the magnetic flux of the primary breakes down
> it is induced into the secondary as a feild and this creates a feild
> around the secondary windings. this feild produces a "presure" kind of
> like a presurised garden hose.the presure is relesed through the topload
> because it is actualy the path of least resistance for the presure.
> if it was looked at as a voltage then wouldn't it take the path of least
> resistance to ground, ie the grounded bottem conection?
> the reason i belive it folds from the bottem up is that the secondary
> windings give the field the ability to exist, and it will exist as long
> as the pressure is there. i'm sorry i can't put it into words very well,
> and this is only my opinion. it is just what i visualise what is
> happening. i know very little about radio or such so please explain
> anything that seems amis here.
> ps. i know the moderators would like better spelling, and i have to be
> the worst. i am trying hard to get it right but i get tired of looking
> in the dictionary every two seconds.
>      marc