Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion
From: "harvey norris" <harvich@yahoo.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 09:08:02 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
--- Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original Poster: "Metlicka Marc"
> <mystuffs@orwell.net>
> a scaler wave is set up any time a potential of
> eaqual charge is sent
> in oposite directions in close proximity to each
> other. the easyest
> example that was shown to me was a common lamp cord.
> if the cord is
> seperated, and an amp clamp is plased on the
> "positive side" a reading
> is obtained. if placed on the "negative or neutral"
> a reading is
> obtained. but if placed over both, no reading at
> all. some say that they
> cancle each other out.
Any additional impedance is not added by the input
supply being supplied by the wiring in this example.
If the wiring were separated the impedance would be
increased only slightly. Impedance can be thought of
as magnetic inertia. If a magnetic field is made to
exist by separating the input wiring supply lines, the
magnetic cancellation you speak of then no longer
exists, and a miniscule amount of impedance in the
form of inductive reactance of each supply line will
be added to whatever circuit the input has as a
load.It probably has nothing to do with a scalar wave,
magnetic cancellation as a causitive factor for the
production of these waves is only theorized as a bad
theory and may have nothing to do with actually
creating them. It may be that the longitudinal wave
can have scalar aspects. Here is a small discourse on
my understanding of the differences between a
conventional EM wave and that of a longitudinal. Any
corrections are appreciated.
The magnetic aspect of a radio wave is created by the
movement of charge created by the oscillation imposed
by its source generator on the source transmitting
antenna. This small amperage movement up and down the
antenna creates circles of b around the antenna. A
changing magnetic field induces an electric field at
right angles to its own, this is said to happen
simultaneously, but I was dubious. (In my thinking the
full electric field should not occur until the
magnetic field has collapsed, making the electric
field 90 degrees out of phase in time with the
magnetic as occurs in nature) Howerver this does not
occur in resonance where these quantities are either
in phase as in series resonance, or 180 out of phase
as in parallel resonance. This is only a trifling
argument however, so it might be understood that since
the transmitting antenna itself is in resonance, the
simultaneous E and B fields conjectured to exist in
fact do so. There is a small proof of this I have
cogitated. The lorentz force on a charged particle (IN
MOVEMENT ONLY) in the presence of simultaneous E and B
fields(The E field itself will move the charged
particle, the B field only produces a right angle
deflection of this charge movement) will respond as E
X B in three dimensional vector language, so that if E
and B are orthogonal as in this instance, the
resultant vector will be at right angles to both the
causitive fields, which are themselves at right
angles. This is probably the basic principle behind
the deflection of an oscilloscope sweep trace to
observe signals in an inductor, whether they are
induced by a magnetic field, or electric, and as
future experimentation unfolds, both of these effects
together simultaneously will be explored from a large
60 hz resonator system I have built. It is built on a
binary or two fold principle, hence I have named it a
binary resonant system. Now when we obtain this
lorentz force reaction between an electric field and a
magnetic this law is supposed to apply when these
fields are of indepedent origin. In the radio case
those fields are not of independent origin but
actually are obtained as their own self interaction.
But the Lorentz force law still applies and the
reaction is given a new name; the Poynting vector.
This vector is in the direction of the waves
propagation outwards in space radially away from the
antenna. Thus E and B can simultaneously change
direction, and the resultant vector product is still
in the same direction, since a negative times a
negative is still a positive. If E and the pondered
instantaneous reaction B where in fact not
instantaneous, but 90 degrees out of phase as
speculated, the the resultant Ponting vector would
then reverse direction evertime one of the E and B
qunatities reversed polarity. Then we would be led
with the impossible scenario of the wave propagating
back on itself. So in this cogitive exercise we can
understand why E and B must be simultaneous
interactions on a radio antennna. However it is very
useful now to entertain the thought that these waves
could be created differently. Consider the term "non
hertzian waves" bandied about by Tesla in his days. I
have read that simply means "non radiating
propagation". This is similar to transmission line
propagation, Zenneck surface waves,(I have no idea
what these are, hoping for a comment from list), and
cavity resonator modes(a microwave oven?) In any case
I am sure I have succeeded in producing these
longitudinal waves of some sort. The longitudinal wave
is tied to the scalar wave in many respects. One of
these are pictured on the homepage at
A high voltage discharge to water is shown on the
next page as a bottom link. Scope forms from an
inductor showing 500,000 hz from both electric and
magnetic field effects are shown on the next page. The
correct and incorrect orientation for these signals
recieved as lateral and verticle orientations are also
pictured as scope forms.
Sincerely HDN
Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
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